Mar 27 2019
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Apr 13 2018
Fear Free Certification Program
What is Fear Free? Founded in 2016, Fear Freesm provides online and in-person education to veterinary professionals, the pet professional community, and pet owners. Our courses are developed and written…
Feb 07 2018
Feliway and Adaptil Success Stories
Feliway and Adaptil stories Kathy : Many years back my family adopted 2 former barn cats from the Brantford Vet Clinic. They were lovely boys, but one, Felix was (and…
Feb 07 2018
Brantford Dog Licenses
If you are looking for information on licensing your dog, click the link below. There are changes in the regulations for new dogs versus renewals.
Nov 02 2015
Wellness Plans
is very pleased to introduce starting Monday November 9th….. PET HEALTHCARE PLANS Affordable Monthly Payments all necessary vaccines low exam co-pays unlimited nail trims discount on…
Jan 07 2015
Photo ID Card changes
We are making some changes to the way we do Photo ID’s! We hope you enjoy receiving your Pet’s ID cards as much as we enjoy producing them. We have…
Feb 10 2014
Microchips Work
This handsome 10 year old indoor cat ran out the door as his owners were leaving on vacation. Despite their best efforts they were unable to catch him and he…
Jun 20 2013
Veterinary musings
When I was just 8 years old I went to see Born Free at the drive in. I was very impressed with the film and the message that it carried. …
May 15 2013
Why we recommend pet insurance
There are a lot of stories in our world. Most of them very happy, some are sad. We had one recently that could have gone either way. Libby, an adorable…
May 07 2013
Euthanasia, a touchy subject!
Euthanasia, A touchy subject. I would like to take a moment to talk briefly about a very touchy subject. Many times we field calls from people who are enquiring as…