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Brantford Veterinary Clinic supports Dental Health Month

By February 16, 2012 Tech Talk

Brantford Veterinary Clinic supports Dental Health Month

by Jennifer Church, R.V.T.


Did you know February is dental health month?


80% of dogs and 70% of cats over age 3 suffer from periodontal disease.

How do you know if your dog or cat has dental disease?  Here are signs you can look for:

«     Yellow or brown discolouration of the teeth

«     Persistant bad breath

«     Bleeding or inflamed gums

«     Loose teeth

«     Missing or broken teeth

«     Trouble chewing or eating food

«     Sensitivity around the mouth

«     Unusual drooling

«     Loss of appetite

«     Lethargy


What should you do if you notice your dog or cat has these symptoms/signs?


Call your veterinarian and book a dental consultation.


Once your veterinarian has assessed the severity of your pets’ dental disease, they may make recommendations.  Some options would be:

«     Dental scale and polish

«     Brushing your pets teeth

«     Dental diets

«     Dental chews and toys

«     Additives for their water


Parts of teeth and gums:

Peridontium – structures that support the teeth

Gingiva – soft tissue that surrounds the teeth and cover the bone

Cementum – tissue that attaches the root to the ligament


Factors in dental disease:

Plaque          – bacterial film that forms on teeth daily.  Can lead to gingivitis and                              periodontal disease.

Calculus        – also known as tartar

– mineralized, crusty deposits that irritate the gums when plaque is                             removed

Gingivitis      – inflammation of the gingiva or gums

Periodontal disease – painful oral disease that can lead to tooth loss and organ disease.

Periodontitis – inflammation and disease of the tooth supportive tissue.


Stages of oral health:

Health – minimal plaque and tartar on the tooth surface

Gingivitis – plaque, tartar and mild bad breath

Early periodontal disease – inflammation and swelling of the gums with moderate bad breath

Established periodontal disease – bleeding gums, pustular discharge with severe bad breath

Advanced periodontal disease – loose teeth, bleeding gums, inflammation of the gums and severe bad breath.


Diagnosing the problem is the first step.  Call your veterinarian to book a consult today!


Lifelearn Admin

Author Lifelearn Admin

S. Fontana is a LifeLearn author.

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